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NSF-supported documentary project on digitally enabled science seeks participants — Dec. 21 deadline | ARC NSF-supported documentary project on digitally enabled science seeks participants — Dec. 21 deadline – ARC
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NSF-supported documentary project on digitally enabled science seeks participants — Dec. 21 deadline

By November 11, 2014 April 26th, 2016 General Interest

The Centrality of Advanced Digitally ENabled Science (CADENS) is a National Science Foundation-supported project to increase digital literacy and inform the general public about computational and data-enabled scientific discovery. The project is seeking participation from researchers whose work generates, analyzes or visualizes data and depends upon access to advanced cyberinfrastructure (ACI). Through this call for participation, CADENS expands visualization opportunities to science teams working with data. It also expands distribution and broad impact opportunities for experts who have developed visualizations from ACI data. Researchers interested in potentially participating should fill out this form by Dec. 21.