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ARC seeks list of Flux-related publications | ARC ARC seeks list of Flux-related publications – ARC
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ARC seeks list of Flux-related publications

By September 1, 2014 April 26th, 2016 News

In the fall, Advanced Research Computing (ARC) will produce an in-print and online annual report highlighting the growing importance of computational science in the U-M community and summarizing the efforts under way to enhance the resources needed to enable powerful new avenues of discovery. A key goal is to showcase the accomplishments of the U-M research community for the internal and external audiences who will receive this report.

Accordingly, we are asking investigators to submit a list of journal and conference publications from the past 18 months that involved the use of the Flux computing cluster. Please submit your publications (and any associated images, if available) by emailing Commmunications Specialist Dan Meisler ( Don’t worry about formatting — cutting and pasting from another document is fine. Also, while we encourage researchers to acknowledge Flux in publications (see, specific mention of Flux in your papers is not necessary in responding to this request. (If you’ve already sent in your list, no need to send again.)

The complete list will be published in our report. The printed version will be distributed at ARC’s annual Research Computing Symposium (formerly known as CI Days), as well as the national SuperComputing ‘14 conference in New Orleans in November, attended by more than 10,000 scientists and vendors from around the country. Thanks for your help on this. Your contribution will not only highlight the important research that takes place at U-M, but also help make the case for providing further resources to spur scientific discovery.