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Geostatistics – II

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In many situations, we observe a process over a limited number of locations and are interested in estimating its values at nearby unsampled locations. Geostatistical methods provide a powerful tool…

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Mapping tools for COVID-19 data – II

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This is the second workshop in this series and will build on the material and the techniques covered in the first workshop. We will use COVID-19 data available here, combine…

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R IV: Visualization

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This session will be held online, and presenters will be in touch with more information after you register. Visualizing the results of research is a key aspect in facilitating scientific…

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Rcpp: Integrating C++ into R

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The Rcpp package for R provides “seamless R and C++ integration”.  In this workshop, we will discuss the use of Rcpp to speed up existing R code by rewriting slow functions…

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Programming with R

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People using R for applied research are often not taught basic programming practices such as writing functions, efficient iterative processing, vectorization, and other practices that would make their research far…

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Data management in R with data.table

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Matt Dowle, author of the data.table package, describes it as, “provid[ing] a high-performance version of base R’s data.frame with syntax and feature enhancements for ease of use, convenience and programming speed.” In this workshop…

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