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Geostatistics – II

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In many situations, we observe a process over a limited number of locations and are interested in estimating its values at nearby unsampled locations. Geostatistical methods provide a powerful tool…

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Open Source GIS

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This workshop will provide a fast paced introduction to georeferenced vector data analysis. We will explore the power and functionalities of QGIS and R for reading, manipulating, and analyzing vector…

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Geometric Network Analysis

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This workshop will cover GIS concepts and techniques for analyzing geometric networks embedded in geographical space. We will mainly focus on road network, but the ideas and techniques apply to…

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Open Source GIS Tools

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This workshop will provide a fast paced introduction to open source GIS tools, especially QGIS (but also R). We will explore QGIS’s power and functionalities for manipulating and analyzing vector…

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Introductory GIS

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This workshop will cover introductory GIS concepts, tools, and techniques. We will use ArcGIS to learn basics of GIS by solving 2-3 specific problems. We will use the graphical user…

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