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NSF EAGER award to study new information and communication technologies in shared connected vehicles | ARC NSF EAGER award to study new information and communication technologies in shared connected vehicles – ARC
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NSF EAGER award to study new information and communication technologies in shared connected vehicles

By August 30, 2016 News, Research

social_networkMICDE associate director Siqian Shen (PI) will collaborate with Co-PIs Tawanna Dillahunt and Tanya Rosenblat from U-M School of Information to conduct interdisciplinary research for a newly announced NSF EArly-concept Grant for Exploratory Research (EAGER) project.

The goal is to investigate the feasibility, challenges, and opportunities of deploying shared connected vehicles with new information and communication technologies (ICTs), to deliver goods and services in future smart & connected communities (S&CC). In taking on a living-lab approach, the study will engage industry, non-profit partners, and underserved populations in Detroit throughout each phase of the project.

The end result will be 1) improved mathematical models and efficient algorithms for optimizing resource allocation, supply-demand matching, and barrier-free vehicle & ICT operations in centralized and decentralized vehicle-and-service-sharing (V&SS) systems; 2) an articulation of the types of critical services that have the highest impact and are needed most among underserved communities (e.g., access to better healthcare or jobs).