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Glotzer awarded DOE computing time through INCITE program | ARC Glotzer awarded DOE computing time through INCITE program – ARC
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Glotzer awarded DOE computing time through INCITE program

By December 9, 2014 April 26th, 2016 General Interest, News

Sharon Glotzer, the Stuart W. Churchill Collegiate Professor of Chemical Engineering and Professor of Material Science & Engineering, Macromolecular Science and Engineering, and Physics, has been awarded 55 million core-hours on Department of Energy computing resources through the Innovative and Novel Computational Impact on Theory and Experiment (INCITE) program. Glotzer received one of 56 awards. As described in the INCITE press release (PDF) her project will “discover mechanisms by which complex crystals assemble for a large library of particle shapes, yielding insights for design and development of new nanomaterials.” The title of Glotzer’s project is “Nucleation and Growth of Colloidal Crystals Using Highly Scalable Monte Carlo,” and was awarded time on the Cray XK7 machine at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The INCITE web site provides more information on the awards, including a complete list of recipients.