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Funding opportunity: Exercise and Sports Science Initiative | ARC Funding opportunity: Exercise and Sports Science Initiative – ARC
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Funding opportunity: Exercise and Sports Science Initiative

The University of Michigan academic programs and Athletics have partnered and launched the Exercise & Sport Science Initiative (ESSI), which integrates the resources of our elite research university and one of the nation’s top collegiate athletic programs to optimize physical and mental performance, health, and well-being for people of all ages and abilities.

Submission Deadline: January 20, 2017 (by 5 pm)

Award Amount: Up to $200,000 over two years

Research Areas: Wise wearable sensor technology; injury prevention, diagnosis, and management; individualized augmented reality and virtual reality; sports and learning analytics; and improved physical activity across the lifespan from childhood to elderly


Eligibility: ESSI strongly encourages proposals to be led by multiple University of Michigan PIs, and ideally from multiple units (school, departments, and colleges), bringing collaborative research teams together. Tenured/tenure-track faculty and research faculty (research scientists and research professors) at any rank, and from any of the three U-M campuses, are eligible to apply. Proposers are encouraged to address how pilot grants will lead to potential extramural (federal, agency, industry or foundation/organization) continuation funding at the close of the pilot grant period.

For further information contact: Lisa Rabaut,