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Flux HPC cluster returned to service after scheduled winter outage | ARC Flux HPC cluster returned to service after scheduled winter outage – ARC
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Flux HPC cluster returned to service after scheduled winter outage

By January 6, 2016 April 26th, 2016 General Interest, News

Flux, the Flux Hadoop cluster, and their storage systems (/home, /scratch, and HDFS) are back in service after the scheduled winter outage. During this time, the following projects were completed:

  • OS and supporting software updates for the cluster. This was a minor update to the currently installed RedHat version (RHEL 6.7)
  • Cluster management software was updated
  • Updates to some default software versions and retirement of some older software packages and/or versions
  • Architectural improvements to the InfiniBand network
  • Deployment of new InfiniBand-to-Ethernet gateways
  • Software updates to the Hadoop cluster

For details on software updates and retirements associated with the winter outage, please visit: We expect these upgrades to positively effect the functioning of our computing resources. Please contact with any technical support questions.